Day 3: Monday, 19 May 2008

Little preparation was made yesterday for today's featured treat: vegan oatmeal raisin. An impromptu batch was made early in the morning, yielding reasonably good cookies– tasty, but a bit too crispy. 18 were put out on kiosk at 9am.
Later learned of two interesting stories from roommates. One passed by in the morning with only 10 cents to buy a piece. A generous soul came up to her and offered the remaining 15 cents to put into the jar. Another passed by at noon, and said there was at least one bill inside the $ jar at that time. However, upon bringing kiosk inside gallery at 6:30 pm, only change was discovered in the jar...
Minor setback occurred upon lifting cage in front of window in the evening. The kiosk was not pulled out far enough from the window and toppled forwards due to the upward motion of the cage. The $ jar shattered on the sidewalk. It was cleaned up and all change was collected. $3.97 total in jar (including initial 75 cents "bait money").
Sign sanded in the evening and chocolate marzipan (invented recipe) was made and refrigerated overnight.

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