Day 10: Monday, 26 May 2008

Memorial Day foot traffic expected to be high. Therefore, special of coconut strawberry tart was made. Basically the same recipe as the vegan pear almond tart of the previous week, it was made of dates with walnuts and strawberries instead of the pear and almond. Result was extremely delicious.
Sign sanded and repainted to read "coconut strawberry tart" and tarts cut in squares and bagged with website written on the outside.
16 treats put out on kiosk around 1pm, again screwing plastic $ container to the wooden table top.
Upon walking by a mere 15 minutes later, only six pieces remained.
Kiosk collected at 7pm. All treats eaten, $ container remained, but in a very mangled state, and all money gone. Judging from the detritus of the container, a desperate soul had either cut or burnt open the plastic, stealing all the cash that was within. Surrounding areas extremely dirty. Very discouraging.
Kiosk, including sign, tray, and $ container dragged into gallery and left overnight.


Anonymous said...

This is really neat to follow. I hope to see more! Would love a running tally of what should have been total money gained vs actual. A truly great experiment!

FirstAidKit said...

I'm sorry to hear that the stand was vandalized. I've been following your project for the last few days and I have to say that I really admire what you're doing. Don't give up!

Anonymous said...

thanks. blueberry muffin was great on sunday. keep up the great work!