Day 16: Sunday, 1 June 2008

Late start to the morning. Classic chocolate chip cookies made, an old faithful to end the kiosk's run. Result excellent. Sign repainted. Cookies bagged in website-labeled bags. 16 put out at 1pm.
At 3pm, $3.85 collected and four more treats put out. Phone call from boyfriend revealed that all remaining cookies were taken soon afterwards. Final collection of kiosk at 4pm. 20 total sold, $5.40 total earned. Kiosk with sign, tray, and $ container brought inside gallery and left for display for final evening. 

On Monday, underneath tray was a darling anonymous letter proclaiming "I love you cookie lady." Deinstalled show from gallery. Plans to recycle structural materials for new use.

On Tuesday, discussion with security guard revealed that the metal shop had indeed taken the tray and $ container from Friday into their building for safekeeping. Both retrieved. $7.50 total earned.


FirstAidKit said...

Definitely a great project while it lasted. Thank you very much for sharing this with us. I'm going to try a similar project here, though I'm not sure exactly how I'm going to accomplish it. Thanks again!

Unknown said...

hey jillian - finally remembered to stop by to see how the kiosk experiment is going! very interesting to follow the good and bad days (at least there seem to be more good than bad?!).... would love to have the chance to see the stand myself - but love the pictures! Just saw the other post - is the project over already?!